“Today’s music ain’t got the same soul. I like that old time rock and roll.”
-Bob Seger

SPOOKY is a new fiction magazine in the old style. We’re horror with a gentler touch. Fans of the genre already know that creepy stuff can be fun. We’re here to prove it to the rest of the world.

“Thrills and chills” is the tradition we aim to mine in this publication. Think of things like penny dreadfuls of the Victorian era, pulp magazines of the 30s and 40s, pre-code comics of the 50s and you’ll begin to understand where our minds are at. Take it even further with crackling transmissions of Lights Out on the radio, Universal monsters duking it out on the big screen, Hitchcock’s droll wit, and Rod Serling shattering minds with darkly ironic twists. 

We think that in this modern age there is both room and desire for these types of stories to be told again. We would like you to help make that a reality.

So grab a mug of your favorite hot beverage, settle into an overstuffed chair, and pull up the blanket. It’s time to get SPOOKY.

Jose Cruz and Josh Strnad, Editors

Like secret twins separated at birth in a Gothic novel, Jose Cruz and Josh Strnad seem to have led eerily parallel lives: both are educators and librarians, both are fathers with young children, and both are writers and readers of fantastical, strange, and dark fiction.

Surprised and delighted to find they share an oddly specific taste for hair-raising tales from bygone eras, they decided to do the most natural thing in the world: start a magazine so that they may indulge their obsessions and open opportunities for others to tell stories in that same, long-forgotten style.

2 responses to “About”

  1. A wondrous and delightful concept! So glad to see someone is bringing these stories back. Thank you, Jose and Josh!


    1. Thank *you*, Ona! You’re exactly the type of reader we are hoping our publication will reach and connect with. 🙂


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